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형이상학 (2013 - 2014)

게임분석 (2019)

Miscellaneous Writings (2022 - 2024)

On Legitimacy of Blockchains (2022)

Software Development (2022 - 2023)

Universal Laws of Game Design (2023)

The Origin of Reality (2023)

A Layman's Bridge to Mathematics (2024)

단편소설 (2012 - 2013)

Alien Job Interview (2022)

The Island of Infinite Treasures (2022)

Influential Social Posts (2023)

A Game Developer's Journey (2023)

Illustrations (2009 - 2014)

Cartoons (2011 - 2015)

WebGL Game Engine (2023)

C/C++ Experiments (2023)

Water vs Fire HuntLand Police Chase SpaceTown
Youngjin Kang


My name is Youngjin, and I am a software engineer who develops computer games, simulations, and other types of interactive media. I studied electrical and electronics engineering at the University of Washington, and worked as a software developer in game development companies including Signal Studios (Bothell, WA), Valkyrie Entertainment (Seattle, WA), and Galactic Entertainment (United Kingdom).

ThingsPool is an independent game development studio which I have founded for the purpose of making and publishing videogames that are easily accessible and furnished with unique personalities.

Besides games, however, there are also a wide variety of arts, novels, and treatises available here. I recommend you to take a look at them if you are interested in philosophy, mathematics, engineering, literature, and other multidisciplinary topics.

LinkedIn Profile

GitHub Profile

PacoGames Profile