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Abacus Engineer

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: November 20, 2023

Just because you own an abacus doesn't mean you are a real abacus engineer.

It's an unpopular opinion, but as an industry veteran with more than 30 years of experience, I've got to say this.

Not every abacus engineer is equal. Some of them will be obsolete soon because they don't understand the basic principles.

Here's why.

👉 A junior abacus engineer knows that facing his abacus to the South and his teapot to the East is the only correct way of calculating numbers.

👉 A mid-senior abacus engineer knows that a round-edged titanium abacus is the only professional tool that can ensure the integrity of the product.

👉 A senior abacus engineer knows that having a tea ceremony as a team is more important than brewing tea on his own.

👉 A principal abacus engineer knows that serving tea with the right hand while handling the abacus with the left hand is the only way to ensure customer satisfaction.

If you want to become a 10x engineer, you must keep all these in mind.

#engineering #teamplayer #workethic #industryveteran #business #professionalism #competence #customerservice


- A professional ex-Ming abacus engineer (May 1st, 1645 CE)