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The Island of Infinite Treasures - 6

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: 2022

The Island of Infinite Treasures - 6 (Figure 1)

CHAPTER 6: The First Dungeon

(The girl cheers at the pile of cookies. She starts grouping them by dozens and putting them in sandwich bags.)

Girl: "Great job! You just unleashed your hidden potentials. Swipe it as many times as you want!"

(Player swipes the credit card multiple times in rapid succession, flooding the entire castle with cookies. Some cookies begin to disappear for the purpose of keeping the game's framerate above 30.)

(Popup Message): "Achievement unlocked - You just won our premium reward membership-"

(Player turns off popup notification.)

Girl: "Now that you have limitless power on your hand, you are ready to begin your heroic journey. Please follow me; I will lead your way to the dungeon."

(The girl pushes the closet aside and reveals an elevator door. The word "Tutorial Dungeon" is shown on the elevator's floor display.)

(The girl presses the elevator's call button with the most femininely suggestive demeanor that the animator could possibly wrap his naughty head around to devise. For the fear of overestimating the average gamer's attention span, the elevator skyrockets right up to the closet's floor within a split second and signals its arrival with a loud ringing noise. The elevator door opens.)

Girl: "This ancient relic was hidden for thousands of years, which revealed its existence only an hour before you arrived here. This means the whole universe has been waiting for you."

(Player and the girl walk inside the elevator. As soon as the door shuts down, the elevator rapidly plunges down and arrives at one of the commercial dungeons located on floor B5.)