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The Island of Infinite Treasures - 4

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: 2022

The Island of Infinite Treasures - 4 (Figure 1)

CHAPTER 4: The Journey Begins

(Camera zooms out. An infinitely wide sandbox appears in front of them.)

Girl: "This is an open-world game furnished with endless possibilities. Please feel free to explore, be yourself, and don't be afraid to be creative. I am so excited to see all sorts of amazing creations you are going to come up with, while you are travelling!"

(Player spends the next 4 hours walking across the sandbox.)

(Popup Message): "Achievement unlocked - You know how to walk!"

(After the period of fully immersive next-generation gaming experience, the player and the girl finally find themselves in front of a castle's entrance.)

Girl: "This is where your journey truly begins. Before entering this home of adventure, please let me show you a cutscene which..."

(Player skips the cutscene. The girl immediately puts her DVD player back inside her handbag and opens up the castle's entrance door.)

(Camera cinematically enters the castle and slowly rotates to reveal its main lobby. The lobby's inner walls are studded with gigantic oriental-looking red dragons as well as a cartoon painting of a chopstick warrior wearing a cone-shaped hat.)

Girl: "Please take a look at this place and admire its diversity. We are so thrilled to show you how open-minded our developers are."

(Camera follows the staircase and enters the second floor's toilet room.)

Girl: "If you happen to visit this castle's toilet while looking for Easter eggs, please don't be alarmed if the toilet seat flushes itself with pink squares instead of water. Our development team's full-time toilet VFX artist just quit his job a week before the game's release, and we had no time to buy a spare artist."