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The Island of Infinite Treasures - 2

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: 2022

The Island of Infinite Treasures - 2 (Figure 1)

CHAPTER 2: A Tragic Backstory

Girl: "Once upon a time, there was an evil creature living on top of the mountain."

(Camera zooms towards the top of the dark mountain. A series of thunderstorms illuminate the whole mountaintop area, revealing a luxurious casino lounge hidden behind the dancing bushes.)

Girl: "This creature made enormous profits out of his own private casino."

(Camera zooms into the casino's interior, in the middle of which a nauseatingly ugly-looking monster is standing. He is smiling with the nastiest facial expression one can dare to envision, while holding a handful of golden coins and sniffing them voraciously.)

Girl: "This evil creature forced every visitor to give him a golden coin every time they wanted to play one of his slot machines. Can you imagine it? We only wanted to have some fun, yet he ruined it by making us pay for it."

(The girl begins to sob. A sad violin piece aids her heartbreaking expression of sorrow.)

Girl: "He even dared to put an advertisement of his casino at the center of the island's largest shore, ruining the view of this beautiful island."

(The girl sobs louder. Music intensifies.)

Girl: "This is the reason why we need you. You are the CHOSEN ONE. You are the only hero in this island who can save the world by defeating this heartless lifeform who stole everything from us. Once you kill him and dissect his belly, all the treasures he had swallowed will come out and make us wealthy again. We will honor you with the fanciest-looking visual effects we can afford to display!"

(Camera zooms out. The flashback ends by displaying photos of children who are starving because the evil creature didn't donate his money to charity.)