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The Island of Infinite Treasures - 10

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: 2022

The Island of Infinite Treasures - 10 (Figure 1)

CHAPTER 10: An Important Part

Girl: "Now, please let us lead you to the room next to this area."

(The girl points to a nearby door, which is labelled: "Dramatic Conversation Room".)

Girl: "We will go there and have a deep philosophical conversation, while breaking the fourth wall in a meta- sort of way. This will convince you that our game is made by creative artists whose names deserve to be recognized."

(A low-pitched buzzing sound bursts out in order to give the player a hint of dramatic revelation.)

(The door opens up, revealing a wide-open hall filled with pixelated portraits of the game's development team. The camera zooms into the hall and slowly looks around.)

Girl: (Pointing to the portrait in the middle), "This handsome man is the art director. He is a visionary who designed every single detail of this game, for he wanted to ensure that every one of his clueless team members will have an honor to spend the rest of their lifetime copying his stunningly innovative ideas."

(The girl hands over a piece of paper to the player, which is a copy of the art director's resume. The upper half of it is covered with a grayscale photo of him holding an enormous film camera while posing at the peak of a snowy mountain.)

(A browser window appears on the screen.)

(Browser Window): "Congratulations! We are offering you an honor to have an online conversation with the art director. Please click the link below to schedule a meeting, which will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary genius."