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Designing a Software Product

Author: Youngjin Kang

Date: January 21, 2025 - February 5, 2025

This is a collection of my personal thoughts in regard to how a software product can be designed.

Designing a Software Product (Figure 1)

1. Where to Begin

Imagine that you are trying to design a software product. Depending on your field of interest, it could be a game, a social networking service, a chatbot, an educational platform, or something else.

No matter what type of product you have in mind, however, we can all agree that it ought to be something meaningful. And by "meaningful", I mean a set of qualitative measures which transcend a mere assortment of dry, mechanistic details.

When designing a software, it is necessary to resolve a gap between the product's end goal and its implementation details. We can surmount this difficulty via quantitative reasoning.

For example, suppose that we are trying to create a pet simulator (similar to Tamagotchi). What shall we do to fulfill such an objective?

First, we need to devise a list of meaningful pet-related experiences. In addition, we need to figure out how to translate them into computational procedures (because they must be part of a computer program).

We can achieve this by defining our pet simulator not in terms of vague emotional descriptions, but in terms of numerical quantities.

Designing a Software Product (Figure 2)

2. Quantification of Meaning

The question is, what kinds of numerical quantities do we want in our pet simulator?

This is where the problem of ambiguity arises. Overcoming this initial barrier is crucial for the sake of designing something meaningful.

To kick-start the design process, let me come up with a couple of ideas. The very first thing which crosses my mind is that the pet needs food to survive.

Whenever the pet eats something, its energy level increases. If it doesn't eat anything, its energy level will gradually drop.

What comes next? Let me guess. Note that food is not the only biological need. For example, the pet also needs to be caressed to feel that it is being loved.

For prototyping purposes, then, it will be sensible to add a pair of buttons to let us interact with the pet - one for feeding, and the other one for caressing. Clicking the former will increase the energy level, while clicking the latter will increase the affection level.

Here, we can see an example of a dilemma between two choices. While we are feeding the pet, it cannot be caressed. And while we are caressing the pet, it cannot be fed.

Designing a Software Product (Figure 3)

3. The Geometry of Variables

The design of a virtual pet, then, can be summarized as the following two steps:

(1) Create a set of variables, each of which represents a unique aspect of the pet's state.
(2) Create a set of actions, which either increment or decrement these variables when invoked.

The act of feeding, for instance, may greatly amplify the pet's energy level but slightly reduce its affection level. The act of caressing, on the other hand, may greatly amplify the pet's affection level but slightly reduce its energy level.

And if we spend time without doing anything, both the pet's energy and affection levels can be expected to decay as time passes by.

The dynamics of pet simulation can be easily visualized. For example, we can treat the pet's current state as a particle on a 2D plane, whose axes denote the pet's energy and affection levels, respectively.

Each action, then, will be interpreted as a force which pushes the particle in a specific direction.

Designing a Software Product (Figure 4)

4. Multiple Agents

So, it looks like introducing a few variables and means of manipulating them will let us create a simple pet simulator.

This solution, however, is restrictive in the sense that it does not scale. If we are to stick solely to the idea of raising a single pet, the horizon of our experience will forever be constrained to that of a cheap electronic toy, such as Tamagotchi.

There is a way to overcome such a barrier, though. All we have to do is provide the user with multiple pets instead of just one. This will open up a door to a richer spectrum of choices, without necessitating us to invent anything new.

From a game design point of view, such a means of scaling introduces the notion of progression. By adding more and more pets to the inventory, the user is now able to participate in a mission towards continual improvement.

This is an indispensable feature to have, as it is necessary to ensure that the user won't run out of goals to pursue.

Designing a Software Product (Figure 5)

5. Relations

Previously, we saw that letting the user own multiple pets (instead of just one) neatly solves the scaling issue.

If pets are unable to interact with each other, however, the overall experience will be too flat and boring.

One way to solve this is to invent a variable which describes not just a single pet, but a relationship between two pets.

For example, we may come up with a new variable which represents the degree of jealousy that a pet feels towards another pet. We will then be able to declare a rule such as: "Pet A becomes more jealous towards pet B whenever the user caresses B in front of A".

The main benefit of this is that it introduces a wide variety of dynamic behaviors to the system. Too much jealousy, for instance, may trigger a pet to start a fight with another pet, resulting in mutual damage.

Such a conflict of interests serves as an important factor in the design of subtle narratives. It urges the user to make choices carefully, since each choice may incur a catastrophic side effect.